THENEWHYPE PRESENTS KILLTODRESS BY: HIGHROLLERS AND URBAN INTELLECT TheNewHype Presents : This event is the fashion aspect of DunkXchange which is know for exchanging and selling what sneakers you have in your closet. Now picture StreetWear in the same concept with upcoming Miami brands as well with performances towards the end of the event. Tables are being sold to vendors for $50 and there is a fee of $10 at the door; Raffles will be sold as well. This event is bringing a fashion scene to Miami and will be expanded to other locations in due time. Performing will be artists such as WaraFromTheNeighborHood , Frankenstein and his group, Major118 a group from Miami who opened up for SpaceGhostPurrp , and Robb Bank$ which is currently working with SGP at the moment. This event is capturing the fashion and music sense of the urban culture. If you're interested in attending please Follow the @Killtodress and the people throwing the event at @Jovanni118 and @KamariEsson 1-7PM JUNE2NDTH ENTRANCE:10$ RAFFLES:5$ TABLES FOR BRAND:50$ (ONLY PAYPAL FOR RESERVING A TABLES AND ONLY 21 TABLES AVAILABLE FOR A TABLE CONTACT THENEWHYPE95@AOL.COM) PERFORMANCES BY : TWO9, LSYHMNBSTDS, MAJOR118 AND ROBB BANK$ WE EXPECT YOU GUYS TO BRING EXCLUSIVE STREET WEAR TO SELL AND TRADE AS WELL AS SHOES AND ACCESSORIES. IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION PLEASE ASK HERE